Samstag, 29. März 2008

Finally Internet

Yippiih!! After more than two month of waiting I finally have internet at home again. So I can continue blogging and also communication with my friends have become easier again. In the next couple of days I will try to add all the events that have happened since January.

Today I spent most the time with finalizing the internet setup. Everything is at the place it is supposed to be and everything works well.

Sonntag, 23. März 2008


This weekend I spent in Hyderabad. The main reason was the job fair there to hire some people. However, since it was a long weekend I decided also to spend the Friday and Sunday there.

Friday I visited the Film City. They have a couple of really nice parks were many of the Indian music videos are taken. The shows and attractions are more relating to Hollywood, however with some Indian influence. I liked the Cheerleader in the western stunt show :)
All in one a very pleasant day.

Saturday I went to the job fair and afterwards went with the colleagues from HR to some of the pearl shops (hyderabad is famous for that). Afterwards we had a nice party. Everything came together, nice people, good food, good talk and plenty of drinks.

On Sunday I visited the salarjung museum and took a city tour.

The flight back happened from the new hyerdabad airport (see next post).

[20080321] Hyderabad - FilmCity

Sonntag, 16. März 2008

Fun with the driver

The road that we normally take back from work was blocked today and so we had to take a dirt track. At some points that put some gravel on the road and at one point there was a lot of gravel. During the first try to pass it the car got stuck and I had to help to push it out of the gravel.

Thinking that my driver would see that with our Indi Car we did not have any chance to pass I went back to the car. Well, I was wrong... my driver was thinking that with just enough speed he could pass, so he pushed down the pedal, slided on the gravel and ended up in a small ditch. After I checked whether he was OK I had to lough really hard because that maneuver had looked REALLY funny.

Since we had the incident with the police at the same route and since he is a little superstitious I cannot convince him to drive this route any more. This results in a 20 minutes longer way to work every day.